Although our roots are in the grilling and kitchen industry, we've rapidly expanded to help customers design, accelerate, and distribute various types of consumer products.
Although our roots are in the grilling and kitchen industry, we've rapidly expanded to help customers design, accelerate, and distribute various types of consumer products.
When Velong first started, we were similar to
most of the Yang Jiang based grilling and kitchen
factories. As we've grown over the years, one of
the first things we did to differentiate ourselves
was to establish a core competency in the
design, development and manufacturing
of electric products.
Today we own an industry-leading factory
that can manufacture a wide variety of
products incorporating the latest technologies.
Global manufacturing is changing. In order to
keep pace with industry trends, we’ve invested heavily
in both fully owned and joint venture partnerships
outside of China.
For now, our core is still China, but we have significant
operations and staff located in Cambodia,
Vietnam, and India.
Velong Yang Dong
Velong Na Huo
Velong Bei Guan
Velong Shuanghe
Velong Yong Kang
(JV Partner)
Velong Enterprises
(JV Partner)
Velong Cambodia
Velong Enterprises
(JV Partner)
Velong Enterprises
(JV Partner)
Velong Enterprises
(JV Partner)
In 2015 Velong co-founded a product accelerator. Platform88 is team of industry experts led by four factory owners inspired by startups, focused on sustainability, with merchandising hubs in China, Vietnam, Cambodia, and India.
As Velong has expanded, we have looked beyond Grilling and Kitchen products. Since we have passed most of the retail audits around the world, we are now developing interesting product lines that can be produced in our factories.
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